Tag Archives: Liberal Democrats

The signal and the noise: global development, aid and the 2024 UK election manifestos

Manifestos  have rarely been the place to go for exciting or bold policy ideas on global development and UK aid.  Labour’s 1983 manifesto (known, perhaps unfairly, as the longest suicide note in history) was something of an exception: committing not … Continue reading

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Shifting the Overton window? Global development in the Liberal Party 2024 Election Manifesto

The Lib Dems tend to be stronger than other parties in global development policies in their manifestos, and this one does not disappoint. The global development offering from the Liberal Party 2024 manifesto is framed within an approach to the … Continue reading

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The 2019 UK Election Manifestos: the rise of climate emergency, and good news for animals?

International development and humanitarian assistance are not core areas for debate in any election campaign. And this isn’t just any campaign, but effectively a single issue Brexit election. Labour may be trying to move the debate beyond Brexit and focus … Continue reading

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The 2019 Liberal Democrat Manifesto: climate change, inequality and the importance of multilateralism

  If you read my 2017 summary of manifestos, you will remember I was impressed with theLib Dems, a party that has traditionally exhibited some quite interesting thinking about development. So how does it stack up this time around? The … Continue reading

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UK Election 2017 Manifestos and International Development: common ground and clear water

With the election coming up, I thought it would be interesting to look at the commitments to international development in the manifestos of the Labour Party, Conservatives and Lib Dems. The day-to-day realities of election campaigns tend to soon undermine … Continue reading

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